Tuesday, August 7, 2012

10 Things That Are Easier Said Than Done

10.  Quickly shopping at Forever 21 without experiencing a mild epileptic fit.

9.  Showering without getting your hair wet.

8. Going to the Keg sober.

7.  Going to Flattop and then Andy's for a light dessert.

6. Taking NyQuil to go to sleep and then not experiencing a very real exorcism/ the second coming of Jesus when you have to wake up at 8 a.m. for Journalism 201-1.

5.  Actually working during the day, instead of Googling "Mischa Barton fat" for 6 hours.

4.  Pulling off trendy hats and no one questioning your sexuality.

3. Going to Chipotle without Grace.

2.  Going to a work-out dance fusion class and not ending the experience with self conscious tears.

1. At - home bikini wax.

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