Wednesday, July 30, 2014

10 Things I Learned from The Bachelorette Finale: Part II and ATFR

10. Hy and Nick got along so swimmingly because they both enjoy shooting people with antique hunting rifles and avoiding prosecution.

Hy: Why are you so nervous??

Because you're obviously hiding a semi-automatic rifle under your sweaty manboob, Hy. Luckily, Nick is concealing a machete under his Henley for when she slices up Andi in order to wear her skin as a suit.

^ "'I will shoot you in the face if ya'll call my daughter a slut on national TV"

9.  Brooks and Drew were sitting together in the studio audience, which means they are 100% engaged. Brooks even tweeted a picture of the back of Drew's head during the show (see below). This wedding is about to be fabulous with a capital "F", y'all. 
^ "Cause allllll of me, loves alll of Drew"

8. Don't do like six rails of uncut Dominican cocaine and then go meet your girlfriend's parents. Josh was sweating like a whore in church, and his left eye kept uncontrollably twitching. I don't know much blow he did before this, but he was so hopped up he couldn't follow conversation. 

Hy: I think this is a camp romance, also what exactly is your job? 
Josh: Andi is a dimepiece, great job making her. Your sperm did big things. 
Hy: This entire show is bullshit. Someone give me my fruit basket and get this jumpy bastard away from me.
Josh: I got that forever kind of love feel.

7.  In the Georgia, you can just decide that someone is your property.  Josh said he was going to "make Andi his wife" like 60 times.  How about "ask for her hand in marriage?" Or "ask her to be your wife?" During the proposal, I was half expecting Josh to throw Andi over his shoulder, bang on his chest like Donkey Kong, and jump into the ocean.  At one point Josh looks right at the camera and basically yells, ANDI IS MY WIFE. WE ARE MARRIED. Not to mention  he  the producers made her a baseball card where her name is Murray. Guess we're not discussing the possibility of hyphenation.

^"Andi you pretty. Andi you mine. Andi you Murray now."- Tarzan, Lord of the Apes

6. If you want to make someone less sexually attracted to you in a matter of seconds, wear an outfit that is all the same color. Preferably a shade of blue that can only be purchased at your neighborhood Foot Locker.
^"His balls are blue, da ba dee da ba die"

5. I'm not the only one who noticed Andi has been looking a little less toned.

Andi: What's a day like in Chicago? 
Nick: Well we go buy you some goddamn salad, and then we work out together  I leash you to the treadmill in our basement, and watch you run like a defenseless hamster on a wheel.

I don't blame Andi for gaining 2 and a half pounds, by the way. White wine is mad caloric and the producer's have just been pouring Chardonnay into a dog's water bowl for her during meal times. That, coupled with the fact she's has to be on a steady IV drip of Pinot to get through a date with Nick, is bad news bears for anyone's lovehandles. 

4. The wardrobe team could not find a f*ck to give at this point.  Not a single one.   
Andi's dress on season premiere = something Halle Berry would wear to the Oscars.
Andi's dress for the proposal = something Kirstie Alley might wear on a beach vacation. I could literally walk out the door right now and go purchase that shit at Cache.

^ABC  funneled all of its money into Grumpy Cat . Budget cuts had to be made.

3. Not only does Chris Harrison host this show, he is responsible for sound stage security, the studio's messenger service, and controlling blacked out middle-aged women in the studio audience-- he slipped up when that Russian hooker crawled onstage during Men Tell All.

Seriously, Nick rolls up to Men Tell All and the only person he has to go through is C Hazy? What happened to the sassy "nobody brings me flowers" security guard from the premiere?? (Probably already starring in a spinoff series- Guardian of Love, Tuesdays 10 p.m. on Bravo!)

Like we couldn't get an intern to deliver Andi that cheap ass piece of loose leaf? Daddy has better things to do.

^"I have to go clean Grumpy Cat's litter box after this"

2. Do not sleep with a Chicago-based baseball tee enthusiast, and then not marry him afterwards. He will call you "cavalier" with your vagina on national television. That's not how they play ball in Waukesha-- you bone it, you own it sister. 
^"Deep Vs til I die, motherf*ckers. Waukesha out"

1. C Hazy is a lying bastard.  Tell us who the next Bachelor is, you over-tanned weasel.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Bachelorette: Liar, Liar, Andi Is A Ugly Crier

 Nick's One- on- One aka The Douchelord of the Opera

-First of all, there is no life behind Nick V.'s eyes. The fact that Andi isn't creeped out by him only exemplifies her horrible taste in men. Andi was definitely that girlfriend in college who would always take a ride home from the bar with a guy she just met who has like an eye-patch and six guns in his backseat. Also Nick V.'s job? Software Sales Executive is clearly code for "professional catfish/ guy who 'accidentally' shoves girls in bars."

-Full disclosure, during the nighttime portion of this date when Andi pulled up in the gondola wearing that creepy ass, Phantom of the Opera mask, I spit a piece of edamame onto my rug.

^ I can't even touch this one ABC

-They then sit down to their dinner (that seems to consist only white wine?) and immediately Andi goes right for the jugular.

Andi: Do you think you're the front runner? 


Nick: I don't like that word, but 100% yes because honestly look at me, I'm ~flawless~

^Bow down, bitches
-They then arise from their wine dinner, and put on the masks that they wear for approximately a minute and a half. However, that's all the time Nick needs to make a groan -worthy metaphor about how he's finally taking his mask off now that he's told Andi he wants to bone loves her. The producers for sure had that stretch of a romantic analogy on a cue card for Nick to deliver halfheartedly.

Group Date aka Love the Way You Lie  

-While on the subject of guys from Chicago who wear deep v-necks to bars, Cody is so excited about his little date, it's like he doesn't get that this one-on-one is a mere parting gift. I choked on my wine when he made it through last week #RIPmarquel #neverforget

-As per a drinking game I made up myself and play alone, every time Andi reads one of these inane secret admirer letters, finish your glass of wine before she's done reading. There's no punishment if you don't finish, but the reward is that the episode is now slightly more entertaining. And Chris looks a little taller.

-Also, this group date looks like bid night at SAE. Why is everyone wearing pastel yellow shorts??

-These Italian lie detector dudes have no idea what they got themselves into.

Guy 1: Quali ze fuck are zese "right reasons"??

Guy 2: Idk, man. Let's just ask them if they fart in public. 

-Favorite moment during the lie detector test? Hands down when they asked JJ if he was good in bed and he answered so confidently it sounded crazy defensive.

JJ: Look at me bro, Pantsaprenuer means I can rip LuLu Lemon leggings off with my teeth. Next question Mario and Luigi. 

- Highlight of the episode in general? When Josh freaked the f*ck out about having to take a lie detector. Homie was having Guantanamo flashbacks or something. Or maybe he was just terrified they were going to ask him what he got on the ACT.

Josh: "From what I've seen it's just like yes or no, like you don't get to explain your answer. Like if they ask if I've had sex with a man, I can't explain how crazy turnt our locker room celebration got after we won the Oberweis Christmas Festival Exhibition Game? I just have to say yes?"

- Was anyone else hoping one of these guys was actually going to be outed as a giant racist during the lie detector? Just me? 

- Also, such a bummer Dylan had raging diarrhea/ anal leakage during this group date. You hate to see that.

- Also, I have no joke for Josh's scarf. I think the scarf itself is supposed to be a joke. Josh's scarf stole the show (pun intended in a big way).  Did he lose a bet? He looked like a 7th grade girl trying to hide her first ever hickey on school picture day. Give it up Josh, my mom has never believed the bullshit curling iron burn excuse.  (Okay, so maybe I had a small joke)

^ Click for an Artistic Dramatization

 - I feel like I would make an amazing Bachelorette because the main obligation is making out with dudes you're not at all interested in during awkward social situations. Andi has made out with Marcus multiple times and we all know he sits at home making baby mobiles from bird skeletons. He also bears a striking resemblance to Arthur the Aardvark. 

- Cue the scene where Josh cries about how Andi doesn't trust him. We all know the only thing he's hiding is 7+ years of steroid use and his abnormally small testicles. 

Cody's One-on-One aka Wherefore Art Thou Meathead?

- The scene where they read the letters to Juliet is basically the scene in Beauty and the Beast where Belle teaches the Beast how to read. 

- The questions that plague me: What is deeper, Cody's v-neck (which he's wearing underneath a blazer for a formal dinner date #swag) or his rapidly receding hairline? 

-My cold heart breaks for Cody. He started reading that sad little letter that took him 6 hours and a 3rd grade dictionary to write, and Andi's all like, "I'm going to stop you there meathead. I'm a fancy lawyer lady. I'll date a personal trainer when I'm 47 and cheating on my emotionally distant husband."

- Also, can Andi please chill with the waterworks? Boo hoo, you had to send someone home-- that's the basic premise of this show homegirl. Save your tears for when you really need them, like when the love of your life abandons you on a dock in Antigua (#tbt).  

Andi: "Who am I to send someone home?!?" 

^ The Bachelorette, that's who. The master of your own vagina. Chris Harrison doesn't make these decisions, you do. It's not all tonsil hockey and gondola rides Dorfman, man up. 

Cocktail Party 

- Nick V. already has a rose but sees the cocktail party as a prime opportunity to be a giant douchehole. She steals Andi away to furiously make-out. Everyone whines. Nick V. is like that super hot guy you loved in college, even though he was an emotionally unavailable a-hole who cared more about flip cup can he did about you--except without the super hot part

-  Can we talk about the fact that Brian had to write down a poem that was approximately a sentence long? Either he's taken one to many basketballs to the noggin, or he's caught a case of Cody's illiteracy. 

- Can we also take bets on where C Hazy was during this entire episode?! Andi had to announce her first one-on-one herself. It's comforting knowing Chris is raking in millions of dollars by simply showing up at the very end of an hour-long episode and half-pretending to listen to Andi. He was definitely in Amsterdam rolling blunts in a cafe the entire time. He was totally blazed when Andi was running her mouth about her fake problems. 

"Look at all the f*ks I give. I'm wearing a goddamn turtleneck"

- In conclusion, if you wear a suit jacket without a tie on national television, you deserve to be deported back to San Francisco. Thanks for playing, JJ. 


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A Definitive Ranking of My Past Halloween Costumes

Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. And not because I'm some Tim Burton- obsessed goth who buys ironic belts at Hot Topic.  Halloween is the only holiday that remains continually awesome throughout most of your lifetime. You go from binge-eating M&Ms at the Joliet Country Club to binge drinking at a seedy nightclub. Other holidays either suck when you're a kid or just get progressively less fantastic as you age. For example, Christmas has lost a lot of its sparkle for me. I mostly just eat honey-baked ham in a corner and assemble Kathen's ridiculously complicated, battery-powered Barbie forklift or whatever. 

But in all honesty, the main reason I love Halloween is that it lets me embrace my passion for elaborate costuming. For as long as I can remember, I have put an absurd amount of time and money into my Halloween costume. Since the age of 3, I have been meticulous about sequin details, and I have been known to demand professional quality replicas of outfits I saw in popularized TV/film. The day you see this girl in a cheap, taffeta dress from The Disney Store is the day you slip it onto to my cold, dead corpse. If I'm dressing as Ariel, I am wearing a life-size replica of that slutty seashell bra. No cap -sleeved, age- appropriate costume nonsense. My costumes were always a hand-sewn result of my mother's blood, sweat and tears. But they would not have been fully possible without a few Oscar- worthy meltdowns on my part (I'm still waiting for the Academy to recognize "Temper Tantrum" as an official category). So here it is, the definitive ranking of my top 5 Halloween Costumes.

5) I Dream of Age- Inappropriate Jeannie
^ Please note the visible butt-length hair extensions on the far right

This Old Hollywood throwback ensemble would have been ranked higher, had it not been for outside influences altering my creative vision. This was a classic case of my mother trying to dim my kindergarten shine. I went through a serious TV Land phase as a child, becoming obsessed with shows like Bewitched, Adam West's Batman, and of course I Dream of Jeannie.

When I told my mother what I wanted to be for Halloween, she thought she was going to get off easy. War-weary from past Halloweens, she longed to simply order some cheap harem pants from a costume magazine like every other parent. However, my six-year-old self knew that I had a reputation to uphold at Joliet's  Franciscan Learning Center.  A store-bought costume would mean admitting I was just as basic as the rest of those nose-pickers. I made it clear I was not going as a genie, but a as a perfect recreation of Babara Eden circa 1966.

My mom agreed to sew it and allowed another small piece of her soul to die in the process. She created the pint-size replica and bought hair extensions, but with one condition- I was not allowed to bare my midriff at my Catholic kindergarten. I threw a Scarlett O'Hara level bitchfit. A one-piece costume?! When did we become Amish?? This was going to completely destroy the costume's historical accuracy, and I truly believed I had the physique to pull off that sultry two-piece. I don't exactly remember what made give in to the godforsaken strip of flesh-colored material (I probably repressed something this traumatic), but I'm guessing it had something to do with my mother withholding pumpkin desserts. 

4) Super Siblings 
This was another case of forced modesty that caused the entire look to suffer. Always a feminist/ giant loser, when everyone else in junior high was suddenly "too cool" to dress up for Halloween, I was scouring comic books to make sure I had properly replicated the Lasso of Truth. I wanted to represent the warrior princess of the Amazons correctly, and that meant wearing as little clothing as possible. 

Although puberty has not yet made me it's prisoner, I still went to a conservative Catholic grade school. My mom immediately shot down the idea of me attending school in a glorified bathing suit. She said I could only be Wonder Woman if I wore long sleeves and tights under the costume. 

I cried. I screamed. I prayed to the Justice League for guidance. Did she not understand that I was trying to pay homage to a symbol of sexual equality??? Eventually, I relented. I knew the warrior spirit of Diana would want me to continue on, even if it meant wearing a Lycra turtleneck. And I also knew my mom would disown me if I changed costumes last minute and ruined this years' "super siblings" theme. In the Tyler household, we are raised to respect themes above all else.

 3) Legally Loser

I would first like to make it public knowledge that this took place in high school. I wore this to a high school Halloween party, where every other girl was dressed as a cowgirl and was drinking Smirnoff out of a Powerade bottle. I was determined to channel my spirit animal Elle Woods, and I was determined to do it right.

I hopped in my car (BECAUSE I COULD DRIVE AT THIS POINT) and drove to where any respectable young lady would buy her garments- the Joliet Burlington Coat Factory. I pushed past the rows of thugs trying on embellished jeans, and set my sights on this snappy, bubble-gum pink number. Always one to push the envelope, I took it home so my mom could pull out her sewing machine and hike up the skirt's hemline. Next stop was Claire's, an accessory outpost conveniently located inside the Louis Joliet Mall. I purchased a pink fuzzy pen, a pair of fake glasses, and a horrendous Tiffany link necklace knock-off. But a few modifications still needed to be made. The glasses I bought only came in black, so naturally I needed to hand paint them a shade of hot pink. After the addition of some ghetto fabulous arcylic nails and a stuffed Chihuahua, I was ready to take on Professor Callahan. 
Oh, and I made my mom buy a handhold engraving pen, so I could literally weld the name "Elle" onto the fake Tiffany necklace. It is still a mystery as to how I was considered cool enough to be invited to this party.

2) Faith, Trust, and More Flesh-Colored Material
^ This was taken during a session with a professional photographer. 

Now that I am in college, I am realizing that not all children were forced to coordinate their Halloween costumes with their opposite sex siblings. In fact, I'm realizing my whole childhood was weird because most people just threw on a pair of goddamn cat ears.

 My mother pushed for over-the-top couples' costumes every year (see next list item). And because my creative vision could not be diminished, Luke was usually stuck being the talking squirrel sidekick to whatever Disney princess I chose. Unfortunately, Luke eventually reached the age where he wanted to constantly be wielding knives or other old-fashioned weaponry. So we had to get creative.

Luke was allowed to go as the title character for once in his life, and I agreed to go as the mute pixie Tinkerbell. I refused every puffy, Disney Store Tinkerbell costume shoved my way. If I was doing this, I was doing this the way Walt Disney intended it- strapless and skin tight.

The sheath was made, and I was again forced into flesh-colored Lycra (due to St. Paul the Apostle's ludicrous dress code).  The unholy destruction of true-to-film Halloween costumes is the main reason I question my Catholic faith.

1) Little Bo Peep Has Lost Her Dignity 
^Another photo shoot with a professional photographer. At least the image will be high quality when I throw it in my brother's wedding slideshow 13 years from now.

This was another time when I lured my mother into a false sense of security. When I told her I wanted to be Bo Peep, visions of store-bought petticoats danced in her head. When she tentatively presented the catalog options to her terrifying four-year-old, I promptly turned up my tiny nose.

"No Mommy",  I said. "I don't want to be just any old Bo Peep, that's boring. I want to be Bo Peep from Toy Story. Woody's girlfriend Bo Peep." 

First, it's reassuring that I had such a deep appreciation for Tom Hanks even at this young age. Second, I don't know how my mom was never arrested for child abuse. But she didn't backhand me, she dutifully set off to create a blue polka-dotted masterpiece. After explaining to me that three-headed sheep didn't actually exist, she shoved my brother in his fluffiest and most demeaning costume to date. I demanded a giant cane, and refused anything light and portable. My grandfather literally welded the cane I am holding out of steel pipe, and then my mother wrapped it in lace and ribbons. After carrying it for approximately 6 seconds of trick-or-treating, my arms got tired and I gave it to my dad to hold for the rest of the evening. Besides, I needed both hands to shovel Fun Size Snickers into my mouth.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

5 Casting Decisions That Are Infinitely More Preposterous Then Ben Affleck as Batman

Okay, I'm not totally on board with this casting decision either. Trust me, I was there for Daredevil just like the rest of you . I remember Daredevil and those wounds don't heal quickly. I'm just surprised with the insane uproar this decision has caused, because offhand I can think of a few casting mishaps that should have caused the same amount of negative hoopla. They are as follows:

5) Minka Kelly as Jacqueline Kennedy in Lee Daniels' The Butler

For the love of God and pillbox hats where is the uproar over this?! Are we really going to let a flawless symbol of American royalty be portrayed by someone who was once engaged to Derek Jeter?! I had faith in American cinema until this announcement. The definition of class, grace, modern elegance, and the subject of many of my grade school history reports, Jackie O is perfection. Minka Kelly is the daughter of an exotic dancer.  To be fair, I really don't have anything against Minka Kelly. She's so beautiful it makes me want to swear off chicken nuggets forever (jk lol).

 But who made the executive decision that the kinda- slutty cheerleader from Friday Night Lights should play arguably the most revered woman in American history? The only feasible explanation is that a studio executive must have really loved her groundbreaking performance in The Roommate. But then that begs the question, why not cast Aly Michalka as your First Lady? That belly button ring scene struck a deep, emotional chord with the American public. I just think if we're going to cast someone as Jackie O, we should at least make sure they're literate. Also, we should probably make sure they didn't star in a horrible Charlie's Angels remake.

^Minka's response when asked to locate Cuba on a map

4) Matthew McConaughey as Anyone Who ISN'T  a Male Stripper Named Dallas in Many Unrealistic Romantic Comedies and Movies My Nana Likes 
If Matthew McConaughey had not been randomly discovered at a rural gas station, Magic Mike would be his gritty biopic. After seeing a half-naked McConaughey crack a whip on stage at a strip club, I cannot comprehend how he was ever cast in any other roles ever. It was like watching Peyton Manning pick up a football for the first time. The man was put on this Earth to be an fake-tanned gambling addict from Northern Florida. 

Not to mention I'm sick of trying to buy him as a viable romantic comedy love interest. I want to be swept of my feet by a guy who owns at least one pair of dress shoes, not be forced to live in McConaughey's beach trailer/hippie love shack. 
^This was not the work of any costume designer. McConaughey showed up to set with those sweaty bike shorts crumpled in the bottom of his hemp messenger bag. 

3) Emma Watson as Nicki in The Bling Ring

Emma Watson is a fantastic actress and I am forever loyal to her (and the Order of the Phoenix), but this movie's casting dissapointed me greatly. As many of you probably know, Watson's character in the film is based on real-life, Loubouton -wearing thief Alexis Neiers. 

Now I 'm not one to get emotional, but have you ever loved someone more than anything and then just had them leave you? Have you ever watched the person you wanted to spend the rest of your life with totally change before your eyes? That's happened to me, and Alexis Neiers is the one the got away. I wanted to spend the rest of my life lying in bed watching E!'s Pretty Wild. Alexis took heroin-rage and hoop earrings to the next level of entertainment. That crazy bitch brought me more joy than anything else in this world. But nowadays she's stopped shooting up in hotel rooms and screaming at journalists, and has found Jesus. And now all I have is the rapidly- aging Kardashians.

All Sophia Coppola needed to do was to cast Alexis Neiers as Alexis Neiers, and to bring back the golden days of the Nancy Jo Sales voicemail. Because everyone (and E! Entertainment Television) knows that's what America really wanted to see. 

^She is now a mother. That is all.

2) Katie Holmes as Rachel Dawes in Batman Begins 
Overall, this franchise cast the classic Batman roles unbelievably well. Christian Bale is the best Batman the American public has had in years (not actually a difficult feat, considering the ridiculously low bar set by that Clooney disaster), and Joseph Gordon Levitt makes Robin suck significantly less. However,  the Batman Begins casting director apparently owed money to the Church of Scientology and decided to cast a heavily-sedated Katie Holmes as the dynamic Rachel Dawes.

As a sexy District Attorney, Rachel Dawes is supposed to provide a few snappy one-liners and some palpable sexual tension to keep people interested in the romantic subplot of the film.  Katie Holmes simply wanders through the film, speaking in her high-pitched, Dawson's Creek whisper of a voice, and making everyone wonder why sex- on- a- stick Bruce Wayne is even looking in her direction. She looks like Sarah Plain and Tall and he's definitely not into her personality, because homegirl's about as vibrant as a can of SPAM.

But kudos to Christopher Nolan and Co. for righting their serious casting wrong, and kicking Mrs. Cruise to the proverbial curb. Technically "scheduling conflicts" led to the recasting, but I'm sure Nolan jumped at the chance to rid himself of this shell of a human being. This "scheduling conflict" was the Hollywood equivalent of your annoying ex-lab partner texting you to get coffee, and you pulling a mandatory DM committee meeting out of thin air. Maggie Gyllenhaal does resemble a loyal pug, but she's at least capable of playing intelligent and charismatic. Like are we supposed to believe Katie Holmes made it through law school? LOL
^Katie waking up from the Rohypnol-induced power nap she took during her first 40 minutes of screen time

1) Jennifer Aniston as Someone You Wouldn't Want to Marry in He's Just Not That Into You 

This was so ridiculous it should be punishable by some sort of white-collar jail time. This fantastically ridiculous romantic comedy served two purposes: 1) To help the perpetually single girl get out of bed every morning without emotionally eating 7 Pop Tarts for breakfast 2) To convince everyone else that Ginnifer Goodwin is the most unbearable human being alive and that she should be locked up like a dangerous wolfman, or at least banished to ABC television. 

But in this film, Jennifer Aniston is cast as someone who's boyfriend refuses to marry her. Seriously?? This is a giant slap to the face to those of us who are actually unfit for marriage. The only thing I can cook is burnt pancakes and I just buy new underwear instead of washing my old ones,  so I'd appreciate it if New Line Cinema didn't belittle my struggle. Please don't cast the most desirable woman on Earth as someone you don't want to lock it down with. She's Rachel from Friends, for Christ's sake. She has flawless skinny arms and impeccable comedic timing,  I would marry the woman. People who look like Jennifer Aniston do not have trouble finding love, and her casting makes the entire movie completely unrealistic. It totally discredits Scarlett Johansson's dramatic turn as a struggling singer/ total slut. 

^I once said this into the drive-thru speaker at a local Steak n' Shake

And guess what? The boyfriend who was apparently too busy living on his dumb boat to marry Jen? Played by the one-and-only Ben Affleck. (See how we take jokes full circle on this blog? I'm not just making things up as I go along) And you know what, he eventually makes the difficult sacrifice to have sex with this ogre for the rest of his life. He commits. And that is what he's going to do for the Batman role, he's going to commit to us and try to keep us happy like the needy housewife we are. And come on, it can't be any worse than Man of Steel, right? Seriously, please tell me it can't get any worse than Man of Steel

^For better or for worse Ben. And just know, no matter how many hours you put in at work, we will always find something to nag you about. Be it not spending enough time with the kids, forgetting to take out the trash, or the fact that the Batsuit fits your crotch weird.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

10 Things I Learned While Watching the Bachelorette Finale: Part 2

10. Chris Harrison is Oprah in the eyes of this bored housewife studio audience. I legitimately thought he was going to send everyone home with a brand new Honda Civic.  I also think ABC checks to make sure this studio audience is properly cycled up before filming. 
 ^"Get out the toolbox, Des. It's time to get hammered" - C Hazy

9. When your oily-haired, questionably straight boyfriend dumps you on a dock in Antigua, you really let yourself go.  I know Des was elbow deep in a pint of Ben and Jerry's Half Baked after Brooks left. Not to mention the 10 shots of Cuervo she probably took to the eyeball. I SEE that sack dress and flat sandals at the next rose ceremony, I SEE you girl.

 ^The point of this dress is to hide pit stains. You know this girl is sweating straight Skol and cream cheese frosting. 

8. When there is a rose ceremony with two roses up for grabs and two dudes left, a whole lot of the drama is lost. No matter how many awkward editing pauses ABC creates, or what weird dramatic background music they play.  Two roses, two dudes, everybody wins. Except Des, she's still hungover. 
^This rose ceremony was the equivalent of when you were weird as a kid and you had to play hide and go seek with yourself. You won every time, but it was still kind of sad.

7. If you show up to your one-on-one horseback date still drunk from the night before, you now make the rules. Des decided this show was now Survivor and voted Drew's  soft ladyface off her goddamn island.

6. Des is seriously not going to give up on this catamaran-date thing. Last time you planned a crop top- catamaran excursion, you  lived a real life, Antiquan version of "He's Just Not That Into You". You really wanna go round two? Because I feel like now you're asking for a shark attack or an unplanned pregnancy. 
^"The producers are gonna kill me if I lose their cash-only catamaran deposit"

^ "Cause it feels so empty without me" -

4. Chris Siegfried was a virgin until his sophomore year of college. He lost his v-card at his mid-tier fraternity's spring formal, and he cried softly about it afterwards. This is when he first discovered his love of being awful at poetry. 

3. Side Embellishment + Ruching = 3 Months Pregnant 
^ "Oxycontin mixed with Jack D. That's how the producers got me off the floor and into this dress/sham of an engagement."

 2. SETTLE. If this show has taught me anything, it's that the love of your life will leave you and you should just marry whatever lapdog of a man brings up the idea first. Do not wait around for the love of your life, the love of your life is tequila. Simply lock it down with any mentally stable guy who offers you a rent-controlled apartment in Seattle. So what if he tries to pass of Phillip Phillips' lyrics as original poetry? You can afford to self- medicate for the next 50 years.


And finally....


Monday, August 5, 2013

The Bachelorette Finale: My Thoughts on Part One

WARNING: If you have not already seen Part One of the finale, eaten to numb the pain, shopped online for crop tops, and then cried yourself to sleep, you probably shouldn't read this. You should also probably move out from underneath your Patrick Star-like rock home.

I would first like to say that Des has no one to blame but herself for this situation. She had a major ladyboner for Brooks and his yoga teacher hair since Day 1, and therefore paid no attention who the hell else was getting roses. For the love of God, the Fluid Pipe Drilling Engineer guy made it to hometown dates and Juan didn't.  So I don't have a lot of sympathy for her now that she is stuck with a raging homosexual and a prematurely balding mannequin of a man.

That being said, this was one of the most entertaining episodes of this show I've ever had the pleasure of watching. Before the episode even started, Des was already giving me the greatest gift I've ever received aka "The Return of the Fantasy Suite Where Intercourse Could Actually Occur".  After Emily with her ridiculous motherly virtue (YOU'RE ALREADY ON A TV DATING SHOW WITH YOUR CHILD) and Sean's pointless "born again viginity" (because that's a real thing), I have been awaiting the trashy/glorious return of an actual Fantasy Suite episode. And thanks to immoral Des, it was everything I ever dreamed of.

I Would've Paid 600,000 to Be a Fly on the Wall in the Drew/Des Fantasy Suite
- I know this joke has been made before, but I feel like during the interview process for getting on the show there should be some small confirmation that you are at least partly heterosexual. Like does anyone at ABC think Drew is even remotely interested in women? Or is this their fun way of giving Des the proverbial middle finger?
- Besides literally everything else he says and does, Drew's ability to limbo better than Des makes me strongly question his sexuality.
 - I'm really not against Des marrying Drew, girlfriend could use the help. She's rocking the 2003 mini-poof hairstyle and a J.Crew bubble necklace knockoff. Homegirl looks like a University of Missouri sorority girl reject. Maybe Drew can teach her how to properly accessorize.  
- WHAT HAPPENED IN THIS FANTASY SUITE. Like did Drew somehow manage to have sex with a woman?! ABC needs to start answering the important questions. My best guess is Drew prepared a lovely platter of aged cheeses and they shared a bottle of wine. He then faked a migraine and softly cried himself to sleep while Des was dreaming about doing it with Brooks.

Watching Paint Dry aka Talking to Chris
- God Chris is boring. His hairline is literally trying to recede as far away from his face as possible so it doesn't have to listen to him talk.
- These private island dates are so romantic and secluded. However, Grace posed an interesting question. What if you have to go to the bathroom?  You're laying in the sand making out and then you're like "Hold on, I need to go wade in the ocean for 2-3 minutes. No, no you can stay on the beach. I'm I need to cool off in the water from the waist down. Brb for the sexy picnic."
-Also, I never realized that Chris Harrison SIGNS the Fantasy Suite card. Is he Des' pimp?? "I invite you to this luxurious room to hook up with this emotionally damaged young girl. XOXO Chris Harrison ;)"
- I know Betches Love This made this joke, but can we just go back to eighth grade English for a hot second and tell Chris what a poem is? Also, I can tell you Des does not want poetry read to her, she doesn't even know what literature is. She skipped that class in high school to make out with the baseball captain under the bleachers.

Chris Harrison Continually Beats a Dead Horse
- The most drawn out conversation in Bachelorette history, C Hazy makes Brooks say he's just not that into Des roughly 600 times.
-Chris Harrison also looks seriously annoyed he has to do this. He looks like he's dressed for his fraternity's daytime mixer. The minute he's finished with this pointless interview, C Hazy is getting wasted and going cliff diving with his bros. 
-Honestly, my biggest regret of this season is that C Hazy didn't rap a full verse in "Right Reasons". Who's to say that the ultimate facilitator of fake television love and drama doesn't need a girl for all four seasons?
- On a unrelated note, Brooks has the high-pitched voice of a dainty Japanese geisha.

^"I should've just got with Soulja Boy when I had the chance" -Des

Des Cries on a Dock for 20 Straight Minutes
- Whoever did the editing for this first Brooks/Des scene deserves an Emmy for Soullessness. Watching footage of Brooks talking about how he's about to dump Des cut with footage of Des standing on a beach mindlessly going on and on about their journey of love is so enjoyable to me, it makes me wonder if I'm a sociopath.
- She's so goddamn excited for this catamaran ride. Oh you're getting on a catamaran Des, a catamaran straight to relationship HELL.
- I would recap more of this explosive scene, but I have honestly no idea what Des was saying. At one point I think she's tries to break out into the chorus of One Direction's "Little Things" but then her words are overtaken by ugly sobs.
- Also, leave it to ABC to send out their camera and audio B squad for the best scene of the season. Was this filmed on a cell phone?? The camera work makes me feel like I'm watching the Blair Witch Project and the audio sounds like Brooks is dumping Des while they are both hangliding. (Like can ABC not afford boom mics anymore? The wind feedback is out of control. I'm trying to listen to a skinny girl get humiliated on national television)

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Riding in the Sun, Looking Out for Number One

If you know me in any decent sense (by decent I mean you know my elaborate feelings about the stick figure family decals on the back of minivans), you know that I recently moved to Los Angeles, CA for the summer.  I know what you're thinking. Yes, I have a playlist that consists only of the illustrious Phantom Planet classic for when I'm driving in the sun. Yes, I've been to beach and pier where Rocket Power was set. And yes, I'm now living dangerously close to where Will Smith lives (I have yet to locate him).

Needless to say I am not a "California Gurl" of the Katy Perry/Snoop Dogg variety quite yet, but I went on a hike for fun on Saturday so we're getting there. Here are my current feelings on my transplant situation. I love living in California/ I feel like I might have already learned how to surf through observation, but I still have some complaints. They are as follows:

Things I Do NOT Like About Living in California

5. Everyone thinks exercise is fun. Swimming, hiking, surfing, beach volleyball are all intense cardio disguised as friendship building activities. I see through this facade. Because no one has suggested we drink Tequila Sunrises and wear Brandy Melville sundresses on these "fun hikes", I am told to bring water and wear athletic shorts. It's almost as if I'm being told to bring items I would  normally bring to the gym. WHAT A COINCIDENCE. I call bullshit, hippies.

4. Attitudes towards celebrities
    a. Nobody even cares. Like not even remotely.  If you try to tell someone from California about the time you saw Chelsea Handler in LAX, they look at you like you are recounting your most recent colonoscopy. I sat behind John C. Reilly on a plane, and I want you to look interested for at least five seconds. He's Mr.Cellophane, for Christ's sake.
    b.  They also know too much about celebrities. My middle America upbringing has led me to wholeheartedly believe that Jennifer Aniston is a perfect goddess who invented the little black dress. I don't want that illusion shattered by stories about her being a real human. I don't need some LA person who once worked as Katie Holmes' dog's assistant telling me how she once saw Will Smith at a party and he's actually bisexual. What is wrong with you?! Are you telling me the man that once wore a tropical print 3-piece-suit in a music video is NOT the pinnacle of heterosexuality? Stop ruining "Hitch" for me, you kale-eating social climber.

3. No walking unless you are wearing a tinfoil hat and have rabies. For someone who genuinely hates exercise, I actually like walking (short distances). I find walking to Starbucks alone peaceful. I think about weird things, like what would happen if they did a Zoey 101 reunion. I enjoy a quick walk to the Evanston CVS while  listening to the new Demi Lovato CD  and choroeographing  elaborate music videos in my head. This is not possible in L.A., because walking anywhere that is not to/from your car is the ultimate declaration that you are indeed homeless. And unfortunately, driving to Starbucks does not offer me the same tranquility as walking. Mainly because I am a horrible driver and I need to constantly focus on the road to avoid manslaughter charges. If I start thinking about Pacific Coast Academy and it's Vespa obsession, I could kill at least 5 innocent civilians.

2. At a local trendy eatery, chips and guac costs roughly 5 million dollars.  Back in Joliet, you can get a margarita the size of an above ground pool and guacamole for about a nickel. Plus if you're an attractive guy and the homosexual La Mex manager fancies you, you don't even have to pay at all. Why am I paying 13 dollars for a bowl of guacamole in this gilded hellhole of a city?? Are the avocados grown in Kristen Bell's home sustainability garden?!  If these are not the same avocados that Dax Shepard also consumes, there's just no way they're worth 13 dollars. L.A. decides something is trendy and then makes you take out additional student loans to purchase it. I don't care if this is a croissant- fusion doughnut with Chambord baked into the batter, it's still not better than a 69 cent Donut-on-a Stick with seasonal sprinkles from Home Cut. (Joliet sidebar: Do we think it's called Home Cut because someone has actually been "cut" in that seedy parking lot?) 

1. I still don't like quinoa and lying about it is becoming exhausting. I know it's a complete protein, but so is salami. Quinoa tastes like uncooked rice plus cat litter.Whole Foods is pushing this stuff on me like it's going out of style (Don't worry it's not. Buzzfeed still talks about it). And stop making burgers out of it, they suck.

* There's another thing that's bothering me but it did not warrant being actually listed as a full-on complaint. I can't find a Wendy's near me. It's not like I constantly eat Wendy's, but I would like the comfort of knowing where the Wendy's is in case I want it. It's a peace of mind issue.